Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cursing in School

Right or wrong, I have found I am selective when it comes to addressing this issue. Generally if I hear a student curse in class, I will call them out. I tell them that type of language is unacceptable and they should find better, more intelligent means to express themselves. If I hear curse words in passing, whether I address it or not depends on what I've got going that moment. In one specific instance, however, a student was telling me about why he did not like staying at his mom's house - as he described, he froze his @ss off. The fact he cursed in this conversation was far from my mind.

I am curious, what do you do when you hear students curse in class? Or walking down the hall while talking with friends? How often do you acknowlegde it - every time you hear it or only somtimes?


  1. It's funny, sometimes I will get after a student for cursing but they look at me like they don't even know what I am talking about. They do it so often, that it is just a part of their speech. I am usually the same way. I will call them out in class if I hear them cuss, but I don't always in the hallway. My classroom door is basically a part of the senior hall and I hear cussing constantly. Typically if it is a loud rant I will step out and reprimand that student. I once did send a student to the office for a very loud yelling spree of curse words. All in all, I try to catch them, but I can't always.

  2. Normally if I hear the student sursing I will take the student aside and ask them if that language is appropriate for my classroom. Then I make them choose their punishment for cursing in my class. Alot of the time they look at me as if they did nothing wrong though. I feel that students don't realize or even care that they have said it.

  3. First off, I cannot stand people who curse.... HAHA. Anyhow Peterson, I have too am somewhat selective when I hear students cuss. It really depends on what is said and I never really get too bent about it. I will just correct them. I could give you examples of how I correct but I do not want to cuss myself.

  4. Yeah, it's hard for me to be too critical when I use some of those words myself. However, there is a time, place, and audience for those words...

  5. thats hard cause i think we all need to be consistent but at the same time when i am walking down the hall there are so many people and yeah there a cuss words flying everywhere and it is too hard to stop everyone. if it is obvious who is cussing than i will say somethin like stop that. In my class it is totaly different. I dont allow it at all. i make the do push-ups or they can have a wednesday school. they always choose push-ups. but i'm also PE and health. I do make them give me push-ups in my health room though. i find that if you set thoes expectations for your studnet and unhold them then they will follow.
