Saturday, March 14, 2009

Assessment in Keyboarding

In my 7th grade keyboarding classes, the chief object for students is to enhance their keyboarding accuracy and speed. We assess their progress by giving each student a one minute timed typing test every 8-12 days. Students are graded on a 10 point scale (based on results of previous timed test) as follows:
10 points for an improvement of 4 words or better
9 points for improvement of 3 words
8 points for improvement of 2 words
7 points for improvement of 1 word
6 points for no improvement
As you can see, the lowest score a student can earn on the test is 6 out of 10 points.

Next quarter I am going to challenge my students to try to achieve a keyboarding speed of 35 words per mintue. Keyboarding class can get tedious and boring at times, which makes concentrating on proper skills challenging at times. To keep their attention and focus I am going to tie an incentive based on improvement over the term...any suggestions?

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